Thursday, June 18, 2009

Month One: A Look Back at Wolfram Alpha

“How long does it take to get to Saturn at, say, the speed of light? With Wolfram|Alpha, the online ‘computational knowledge engine’ that launched Monday, the answer–75 minutes–can be found in a fraction of a second.”
“Wolfram|Alpha: A New Kind of Search Engine,”
The Los Angeles Times

“Wolfram|Alpha is not a search engine. Perhaps it will one day become one, but currently it’s exactly that its tagline says: a computational knowledge engine.”
“Five Things Wolfram|Alpha Does Better (and Vastly Different) Than Google,”

“The latest dilemma facing professors is whether to let students turn to a web site called Wolfram|Alpha, which not only solves complex math problems, but also can spell out the steps leading to those solutions. In other words, it can instantly do most of the homework and test questions found in many calculus textbooks.”
“A Calculating Website Could Ignite a New Campus ‘Math War’,”
The Chronicles of Higher Education

“[The] Wolfram|Alpha site automates arithmetic drudgery for students, but teachers worry it does homework, too”
“Sum Help: New Search Engine for Mathletes,”
The Wall Street Journal

“Today, I want to talk about why Wolfram|Alpha is very, very important to watch. It’s not an iPhone, but it is changing the rules of search in a very significant way.”
“Why Wolfram|Alpha Is Important,”
Media Post Publications

see the video

use the engine

1 comment:

  1. Wolfram Alpha is a revolutionary concept that is going to change the way students and researchers go about searching their subject of interests in the time to come.

